If you are the owner or administrator of a website, you may have wondered why your articles, services or products are not at the top of search results on the most popular internet search engine – Google. The reasons are many, and with the skillful use of the tips that we will outline in this text, you will learn how and why they should be at the very top of your search for your services, content, products, or the like.
To begin with, there are no simple shortcuts for SEO (search engine optimization), or a few simple clicks will definitely not get you to the top of Google search, but with practical tips you will be much better placed or ranked with your website.
The key factor in optimization is relevant content, which includes some other factors such as optimized titles, SEO description, optimized photos and the like.
On page SEO optimization
As each page, article – publication, begins with the title, be sure to enter the SEO title and the SEO description that has to do with the existing text. The content of the article or your text must have normal flow, ie. Your presentation, idea or product description should be presented naturally. Also, you need to be proficient in writing or storytelling.
Image optimization
SEO page optimization strategy also includes image optimization for search engines. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the photos themselves, as it greatly improves the user experience on your site. Due to page loading speed, which is also one of the key factors in ranking on Google search, the size of photos should by no means be too big.
The photos must have an adequate headline, related to the text, as well as a description that contains the keywords of your page or article. In addition to titles and descriptions, ALT tags (ALT attributes) that improve search rankings are an indispensable factor. For example, if the article is about PVC windows, enter the ALT label “PVC-window” next to the photo of the window.
Keywords optimization
As much as possible, avoid using the same keyword in two or more articles, blogs, texts. If you do, your texts are competing against each other in Google search ranking, which is why this phenomenon in the SEO world is called keyword cannibalization. On the contrary, excessively adding and repeating keywords will not help the better ranking of your page or your text! The number of keywords in the text should not exceed 4% of the total content.
Building outbound links (backlinks)
Outbound links are another significant SEO factor in the ranking, they are a fundamental part of off-page SEO optimization. Depending on the topic, links must lead to pages that are related to the same topic. Building outbound links is a demanding job, and often a costly one, which ultimately pays off.
Why do outbound links cost?
The reason is simple because links have to be placed somewhere, and these are pages that cost themselves (domain rentals, hosting). If others write texts and set them for you, the cost is even higher. The highest cost is when you put them in the most viewed media, but then they also have the biggest value. There is also the option of using free links, so write yourself and send it to someone to post.
What is forbidden and should be avoided is the use of programs that automatically create links. The speed of setting up outbound links plays a significant role, to put it simply, the links must be built gradually or logically.
Page loading speed
Website loading speed is also important, certainly one of the key factors in positioning on the Google search engine. This is also evidenced by the fact that Google is working on an algorithm that will tag slow-loading pages and let the visitor know immediately that this is a slow webpage, which can greatly affect the bounce rate before it is loaded. If your site is slow to load and you can check with Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool or GTMetrix, it’s time to optimize.
Using the Google Search Console
A Google tool called “Search Console” lets you know in a few clicks what keywords your visitors used to come to your site. It also provides a detailed view of how many visitors viewed certain texts on the page, from which pages they came to the same content and the like, which can greatly contribute to the development of SEO strategy and improvement of search engine rankings.
Engaging experts
No matter how great an affinity you have for understanding and applying SEO optimization, the steps previously outlined throughout this blog will make it easier for you to navigate this extremely important area.
Previously, you realized that the Google search engine ranking guide is quite extensive and at the same time confusing, especially if you are new to it.
Consequently, the question arises whether the quality of SEO optimization requires the involvement of experts in the field.
The answer would be as short as possible that hiring an SEO expert is not necessary, however, things should be viewed from a broader perspective.
If your site is not an official presentation of a company, organization, etc., and ranking content is not of paramount importance, you can enter the SEO world yourself.
However, if the type of site is such that better ranking brings significant earnings and progress, and poor search results are the opposite, then hiring an expert is highly recommended.
Google’s search engine is “sensitive” to disrespecting community standards, making it much more cost-effective to hire an SEO expert than risking the wrong moves, which will almost certainly cost you lower rankings and lead to business losses.