I am sure that many of us are asking questions about this serious and unexpected situation we found ourselves in. But outside of personal concerns, there are other economy troubles and professional worries for business owners who struggle over their existence. What are we going to do about this, are we fighters or what?
If you’re a small business owner, you probably think:
- How is COVID-19 going to affect my business?
- How should I market my business during this time?
- Should I even market my business during this time?
At times like these, some businesses have a tendency to pull back or stop their marketing all together, while the smartest businesses use it as an opportunity to get ahead.
So which one are you?
There are two options:
Option #1: Being a victim, pause all advertising efforts & brace for little to no results.
Option #2: Do something and go ahead!
If you are up to option #2, than here are few ways you can utilize now.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is a process that can help your website appear in the top rankings on a search results page. For those who are already familiar with SEO, you know that it really is a process that can take some time- unless your competitors pause their SEO efforts! This is exactly what’s happening to many of businesses out there, they are scaling back their SEO efforts out of panic, causing others to jump ahead in SEO rankings at a faster pace. So, do you want to overtake your competition? It is perfect timing to do so, and if you are not sure how to do that, don’t worry, Equus Group is made up from SEO masters and we would like to help you.
Social Media Marketing
People are spending more time online now more than ever. With so many adults working from home, kids taking classes at home and people in general trying to stay in as much as possible during the Coronavirus, people are glued to social media right now! With an increased reach, engagement and time spent on social platforms, why would a business owner choose now to pause their social media efforts? Put your brand in front of where your target audience is already scrolling.
Social & Google Advertising
When business slows or uncertainties arise like they are now, it’s a common reaction for business owners to want to stop all advertising efforts. Why continue spending money if consumers aren’t actively purchasing as much, right? Wrong! First of all, it’s important to note that not all consumers are tightening their wallets. For those that are ready to spend now & continue life as normal, you want your business to be ready and in front of them! For consumers that aren’t spending as much now, they will later as soon as normalcy resumes, and who do you think they’ll purchase from? A business they spent all of COVID-19 learning about and familiarizing themselves with- not the companies they didn’t see or hear about at all. Advertising on social media and Google keeps your brand relevant and in front of your target audience so that when they are ready to purchase, they purchase from you and not your competitors.
Email Marketing
As a business owner, are you ever really done learning about your audience? Is there ever a good time to stop building relationships with potential customers? Whether you’re B2B or B2C, email marketing can be a great way to connect with your clients. For B2B businesses, take this time to nurture your existing leads via email newsletters! For B2C and ecommerce businesses, understand that consumers purchase from brands they trust. Establishing that brand-consumer trust is invaluable to the longevity of your business now and long beyond COVID-19, so why not take the time now to set yourself up for long term success? Email marketing is a great way to do just that.
You can also consider few tips and suggestions
Keep in mind that many people have already caught COVID-19 or know someone who has caught it. As a brand, it’s important to maintain a level of sensitivity to your messaging. Showing empathy can actually cause a consumer to favor and respect your brand more, giving you yet another edge over competitors.
Think about what your business offers as it relates to the general public and the Corona virus. Is there anything you could do differently? Let them know you’re doing your part to end COVID-19 and that you’re still here to help them. Consumers will appreciate your communication and your acknowledgement to the world outside of your industry.
One way to maximize that reach on social media is by using relevant hashtags. This extends your reach while also portraying your brand in a credible light, as one that is current and up-to-date with the modern consumer.
Do you know your target audience?
It’s always beneficial to learn more about your customer base. The more you understand about them outside of their demographics, the more strategic you can be in creating content that converts them into customers. Your research can equip you with the ability to create content that addresses their specific needs. Taking this time to learn more about your customer base will allow you to be strategic in the language and imagery you use in your future content.
Are you in operation?
So many businesses are temporarily closing down for COVID-19, narrowing down the public’s options of where they can turn to for goods and services. If you’re open for business, let people know! Continuing to market your business through the Coronavirus can be as simple as letting customers in need know that you’re here, you’re open and you can provide your product or service like usual.
At some point, the Coronavirus will pass. When that time comes, do you want to be starting from scratch with your marketing again? Or do you want to be leaps and bounds ahead of the competition, building on the efforts you’ve already put in for the past few months or years? We know that most business owners are long-term-minded anyway, so don’t let the Coronavirus deter you from forward-thinking mindset.
Now is not the time to stop marketing efforts, it’s the time for you to be even more strategic in implementing them! If you want to invest in marketing but are nervous to or don’t know where to start, don’t worry! That’s exactly what we’re here for and trained to do. We can guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started. We are looking forward for you, Your Equus Group LLC.
Writes: Boban Radeljić